Walzel & Associates, PLLC
We Find Your Solution
Family Law
Family law is a personal and sensitive matter that can affect the lives of many. You need a lawyer who understands your personal concerns, and will represent them accordingly. At Walzel & Associates, we strive to do just that, by listening before acting. We care about you as an individual, and throughout your representation by our firm, we focus on helping you regain your legal control and emotional perspective, so that going forward, life can resume with strength, dignity and harmony.
Areas of Family Law Practice
•Child Custody
•Child Custody Related Issues, Including but Not Limited to Possession Schedules, and Child Support
•Enforcement of Court Orders/Contempt
•Grandparent Access and Rights
•Premarital and Post Marital Agreements
Criminal Law
Facing criminal charges can be unexpected and frightening. Without proper representation, your life can be destroyed, perhaps unnecessarily. The respect and accomplishments for which you have worked and deserved can be lost. We will explore every available legal avenue to protect your rights and restore your dignity and integrity. (We deal only with state violations, but can refer those with federal violations to an appropriate attorney who can defend and protect your federal rights.)
Many individuals with criminal records can qualify for an expunction. When your record is expunged, your criminal violation is erased. This enables many to apply for jobs and resume activities that were precluded prior to the expunction. We will examine the outcome of your criminal case to see if you are a candidate for an expunction.
Contact us at your convenience
Please call to schedule a free and confidential consultation so we can evaluate your legal needs and determine the most affordable and expeditious way in which to meet them. Please be assured that for your convenience, our voice mail is secure for your messages. Your call will be returned during business hours, no later than the next business day. Should you need to speak to an attorney after hours or on a weekend, please let us know so that we can work with you and your schedule. We are always here to meet your needs.